Yesterday I got a new digital camera, it was an end of stock line at the supermarket and with some necter points it came to less than £20, bargain.
Its not to fancy, but not to shabby either, and it has a nifty little video bit on it so I can now bring you stuff like this.......
Please excuse the dodgy volume and shaking, this is the camera's first outing and I was very excited and of course I haven't read the de-strutions yet.
jess x
P.S yes I'm sorry I am one of those people with a tendency to talk to my dog in a baby voice sometimes
P.P.S so this is also the first video I've uploaded so if it doesn't play click on the youtube icon, you can tell I'm a rustic country girl with little grasp on technology can't you lol.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
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Very cute dog! I love the head tilt!
these videos will get addictive!!!
ps russ DID get his top off!!!!
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